
Parts Enquiry

Here at Moosa Group, we stock authentic manufacturer parts that are designed to work seamlessly with your GMC vehicle – and built to last longer than inferior alternatives. We recommend that you always buy genuine parts from an authorised dealer to keep your car healthy.

If you have any questions or if you wish to order parts for your vehicle, please complete our enquiry form. We’ll respond as soon as possible to fulfil your order or answer your questions.


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I acknowledge and understand that my information will be shared with General Motors, its affiliates, dealer network or other parties are required by law for compliance, safety campaigns, government inquiries, or similar legal process. My information may also be shared for product research and development purposes, and to manage customer relationships to provide support. GM’s Privacy Statement addresses how GM handles the personal information shared with us at https://gmc.moosagroup.com/site/privacy-statement/
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